Full Time Jeeper
x2 on that also.I'm not much of a carb expert but there's plenty here that areThe hoses that you have hooked up are enough for it to run correctlyThe hose on the back of the valve cover does not need to be hooked up you can replace it with a crome breaher from the auto parts store This arrangment will not get you buy a visual smog inspection so beware of that......You say that you have to keep your foot on the gas slightly to get it to idle....Sounds like you need to adjust the idle screw on the side of the carb to increase your idle speed so it will run on its own...if you look at your throttle shaft on the side of the carb there is a screw with a spring wraped around it. It works like an adjustable stop screw when you tighten the screw up it will increase the idle speed of the motor. Provided that you dont have a vacuam leak that should make it run fine