Vote for

I don't understand I vote twice a day.
vote early, vote often, thats my motto:cool:.
I checked the vote numbers today before I voted it was 252.I went to the site and voted and checked again and it still said 252.I wonder if some of our votes are getting counted.
You can only vote once per 24 hours (per computer IP address) and the votes take up to an hour to show up. :(
Did y'all notice we compete with a video game??:eek:
I am as competitive as the next guy but truth be told we are a pretty small nitch and for us to be consistently on the first page is pretty incredible IMO.:rock:
X3- I vote every day- I think we really gotta beat the darn video game tho- just somethin' wrong with that.
We are only a couple votes from making the top ten.

Come on people we can do it.:chug:
I voted. And voted.... oh wait, that was yesterday and the day before and the day before.... But I vote once a day. :)
Pretty impressed that even on a new month we are at #15!

Thanks you all! :)
We have almost overtaken the video game!!:chug:
We will have an extra vote per day now.:)
I finally got called back to work.

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