Vote for

Vote for
I'm all over it!
I was voting every day after seeing PetesCJ and even posted about it. I did not see this thread and figured when no rsponded that no one cared so I didn't worry about it. I was adding 25-30 votes a month but stopped. If everyone that checked in voted like that it would move up quick.
Every time you vote post the position. That way there will always be a "New post" to remind everybody else.
still 12 :cool:
still 12th with 117
Still 12 I will be voting every day. :poke:
The thing is, only one vote per 24 hrs per IP... You vote earlier than the 24 hrs - it does'nt count.

CJ, does this mean that if I vote at 3;00 today, I would have to wait and vote after 3:00 tomorrow? or does it reset after midnite?:confused:
Aaaa I see. There's probaly been a lot of mine that didn't count than.:dung:
Dang, Old Dog, I'm in the same boat. I check the forum every morning with my wake-up coffee, and vote, but I never paid attention to the time. :dung::dung:
Still at 12, but gaining.
up to #11
Voted today up to 10th
Voted today - Tied for 9th.
made it to 8Th.
I voted today @ #8

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