Build Thread CJ's CJ5 - Rebuild Thread

Build Thread CJ's CJ5 - Rebuild Thread
Thank you, it's funny, some days are ok and some are better... Im not working today and took the day before and yesterday off. The reason i took the last few days off is that my rheuamotiod arthritis is so bad I cannot walk. I actually used my handicap plackard on Sunday it was so bad But! I manage...

And then! I get a phone call from my Brother that my Mother has fallen. Thankfully she broke her arm and not her hip! To quote her - she is one "strong bitch.". This week so far has been very rough!

You all rock! Thanks for the support!
Sorry to hear that the pain is so bad.
Any chance that the change in weather might help it?
I know Spring is coming, we had a big melt off yesterday and it was close to 50... I was outside and seeing all that gave me a good feeling and all the pains/aches seemed to feel a bit better from a long winter.

I hope you feel better soon and can get back to it!

I know the change in weather is a big problem. After we warm up, it will help. I really want to get the Scrambler ready for a CO trip but Im not sure I can...

Thanks for your thoughts. :)
I don't know how I missed whats going on with you but you are now in my prayers and I know you will bounch back. You can't keep a tough old bird like you down. Get better my friend :chug:
I'm with MtnWhlr, I don't know how I missed this either. I lurk on here all the time. (especially them long hrs on third). I'm sorry to hear about that CJ. My prayers will be with you, I don't know pain from arthritis, but I do sympathise with pain bc my kidneys like to produce big ol rocks. Stay strong and take it one day at a time.
WOW great thread CJ! I can't wait to see the final product. Your build has given me a very high bar to hit with the project I just started!

thanks for sharing,


Thanks Mike! I will not make excuses but here is a pic of my left hand today (that is as closed as I can squeeze my hand and how swollen)...


Imagine trying to turn a wrench... :(

I still work it out though - just takes longer! :chug: Nothing stops me from working on my CJ.

I'll get my CJ done - it will just be a longer project! :)

Thank you all for the support!
I wish I lived closer I would come help you with it.
Me too, of course you would be buying the beer.:chug:
Pretty fat fingers - huh! LOL - Yea I would buy the beer! Funny thing is that my chemo meds don't allow me to partake! :)
Also - don't feel sorry for me, I have gone through many meds that work better and that work worse. I'm still looking for the 'one' that works best for me...

I hope to find the right med soon. :)
Also - don't feel sorry for me, I have gone through many meds that work better and that work worse. I'm still looking for the 'one' that works best for me...

I hope to find the right med soon. :)

Good Luck......were all pulling for you!
I think I missed something. "Chemo meds" that's not something any body takes. Being in the medical field that caught my attention, is that an alternative med or for what I think it's for?
I think I missed something. "Chemo meds" that's not something any body takes. Being in the medical field that caught my attention, is that an alternative med or for what I think it's for?
I take anti inflammatory meds that are also chemo meds,,, Methotrexate is the main drug. It suppresses my immune system.
It sucks is that all you have to do is sneeze at me and I get sick... I hate it...
Get an ionizer air filter (if not already) and yogurt, cottage cheese, has natural bacteria to help immune system. I'm all for home remedies
I've got more ideas if you want. Can pm me, It may be cheaper and not the way the drs say it should be done but anything natural and that can get the job done is better anyway, cuz your body works better with it. That's just my opinion, and its like a butthole everyone has one and sometimes they stink.
I'm pulling for you CJ - I know you are tough!!! But chronic pain can really wear a person down - I have been down that road and it's a lousy ride.

Just some ideas - this last year with that tumor mostly blocking my small intestine I drank a lot of ensure (I liked the strawberry) to help keep my strength up. I think there are other flavors (ensure) and even juices that might help you. I also eat yogurt every day and you may be aware but black rasberries and blueberries are excellent natural antioxidents/ immune boosters.

I know you would never ask, but if you EVER needed help with anything, I would be honored to help. Most of the time I am a really bored engineer that can no longer work. (that was bored - hope not boring...)


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