Build Thread CJ's CJ5 - Rebuild Thread

Build Thread CJ's CJ5 - Rebuild Thread
why dont you throw that thing on a tralier and bring it to me so i can finish it and get that thing on the road since you cant seem to get ken to help you any more
What happened? No pics? I waited and read everything. I didn't skip to the end but there is no end. It just disappeared. Please post post more it has only been 4 months.
A little anti climactic isn't it? :rolleyes:
Due to some health reasons (mobility) I haven't been able to work on it. It really sucks as I have to look at it every day as I go past it in my garage. I actually considered asking some friends to work on it for me but I passed on that. So far the docs haven't been able to figure out what is causing my mobility problems (I have been to specialist after specialist), but when you can't even make a fist it is very difficult to hold onto a wrench, let alone crawl around on the ground. Even typing is painful.

Maybe when the weather heats up again I will be able to resume work, but right now I just live on pain and muscle relaxant pills. :(
A little anti climactic isn't it? :rolleyes:
I thought of other words but he gets every post so let's try this and see if it works.

Hey CJ, you done yet!! We need pics. Please!! I have an addiction. I need a fix.
Due to some health reasons (mobility) I haven't been able to work on it. It really sucks as I have to look at it every day as I go past it in my garage. I actually considered asking some friends to work on it for me but I passed on that. So far the docs haven't been able to figure out what is causing my mobility problems (I have been to specialist after specialist), but when you can't even make a fist it is very difficult to hold onto a wrench, let alone crawl around on the ground. Even typing is painful.

Maybe when the weather heats up again I will be able to resume work, but right now I just live on pain and muscle relaxant pills. :(

I'm sorry to hear that. Hope you get better! :)
It did not see your post before mine. I am truely sorry and you mend quickly. I will be waiting more patiently for your next installment. Until then Godspeed.
No reason to be sorry but I do appreciate the thoughts. Hopefully soon they will figure out what is wrong with me and I can go back to enjoying my CJ build again! :)

In the mean while I'll just keep our site running the best I can (only requires one finger typing LOL.) :)
Hopefully soon they will figure out what is wrong with me and I can go back to enjoying my CJ build again! :)

Don't give up, keep seeing other doctors till they get it right.
Hope you get better soon.
It did not see your post before mine. I am truely sorry and you mend quickly. I will be waiting more patiently for your next installment. Until then Godspeed.

I can relate to the pain though. Maybe not on the same scale but it is there. I had brain surgery on the 6th of this month and I getting terrible headache. Hard to run power tools or wrench for that matter when head is splitting.

:chug: here is to a fast heal and eagle/xray eyed doctors.
Due to some health reasons (mobility) I haven't been able to work on it. It really sucks as I have to look at it every day as I go past it in my garage. I actually considered asking some friends to work on it for me but I passed on that. So far the docs haven't been able to figure out what is causing my mobility problems (I have been to specialist after specialist), but when you can't even make a fist it is very difficult to hold onto a wrench, let alone crawl around on the ground. Even typing is painful.

Maybe when the weather heats up again I will be able to resume work, but right now I just live on pain and muscle relaxant pills. :(

God's speed my friend, I hope you get better.
I have just spent the last 2 hours (don't worry- I'm at work :) reading every post of this build and hitting every link. HOLY COW! What a great build! I am so sorry you are under the weather, CJ. I hope you get better soon!

I do have a question, though. You say this is your 3rd tub replacement. Is this due to rust and such? Why did you not go with fiberglass?

I will keep posted to this thread, I can't wait to see your jeep on the road again!
Thanks for the thoughts, they mean a lot.

I have replaced the tub several times due to rust. Every tub was always used (cheap) and had some form of rust. This last tub is new. Living in FL for so many years, the CJ spent many, many weekends at the beach. I never really kept good care of the bodies and they wasted away.

I never bought a fiberglass body because I got the used ones for very cheap.
What CJ is sick Man I havnt been on this thread for a while. Hope you get feeling better.
A little update for ya'll. After changing doctors and starting all over from the beginning I have been correctly diagnosed and started some treatment. Unfortunately, I'll always have this problem but it can be controlled.
I was able to work a little in the garage today, mostly cleaning.
Today was the 1st day since the middle of last year that I had a good nights sleep, awoke with little pain and have been able to actually do some real work - and it felt great! Unfortunately, it's only 3:30 and I can do no more... :(
But, hopefully tomorrow will be a good day and I can get a little more work completed, maybe even get some yard work done so neighbors stop giving me the evil eye.

Can't wait to get back on the Jeep build! :chug:
Good to hear your starting to feel better.:chug:
Thanks OD - had high hopes for today but I really over did it yesterday, so today I recuperated. Maybe tomorrow I can get some work done! :)
Hi CJ,

I had no idea you have been this kind of ill. I'm so sorry to hear of it and will keep you in my thoughts and prayers. Even though we sorta just met, 'cause I just joined, I already feel a connection. Losing my "train driving" career of 18+ years in 2000 was devastating for me. And I still cannot work. I hate being dependent! My oldest son, (two sons in college now), is now a senior at UW-Platteville in Software Engineering with ME emphasis, and he will also have a math degree when he finishes in December. I wanted him to go hardware engineering, as I taught him to build PC's from scratch when he was quite young, but he didn't like EE theory. We build all our computers, and fix/upgrade our laptops. Quite the nerd family....But we do other cool stuff too. The more I look around, I am just starting to appreciate all the work you have put into this site. I'll share the father/son rebuild of my 1991 work truck which now has over 230K on it another time. This is supposed to be YOUR thread!! (sorry)
Please take care,

Jo Ellen from WI

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