Build Thread CJ's CJ5 - Rebuild Thread

Build Thread CJ's CJ5 - Rebuild Thread
Good to hear your feeling better.
Thank you all for your thoughts, they truly show the support of the CJ crowd.

I need to come clean, I have Rheumatoid Arthritis so it may be quite a while before I can get my Jeep done but I'll work it out - I start treatment on April 17th... I cannot wait until I can get back to work full time on the CJ.

Thank you again.
Just a quick up date - I posted this for our Mods also...

The Doc today was very helpful. We had a lengthy discussion on the disease and treatments.

I start a Methotrexate and folic acid regime tomorrow. In a month I go back for an another evaluation. Today I had my feet, ankles, knees, hips, hands, wrists, elbows, shoulders and lungs x-rayed. They wanted to see if I had any joint damage (the lungs were x-rayed because RA can cause pulmonary damage.)

Can't wait to get better so I can get back to work on my CJ! :chug:
Get well soon captain.
My grandmother had it years ago when I was in the service, I remember donating a portion of my meager pay for research and development... Glad I could help, CJ!:D

I hope you have great success with your treatments!
Hang in there CJ. Get well soon.

Might sound crazy but stay away from any type of bread- white or wheat. Gluten causes inflamation or some other type of allergic reaction in a lot of people, but most people never realize it.

Sorry to hear about your illness, sounds like your now back on the right trail. One thing , I like your attitude, keep swinging!
Well, it has now been a few weeks so I thought you'all deserved an update.

I feel so much better! Not a 100% but getting up and moving in the mornings does not require three extra hours. :) My knees and ankles still are very tender and require me to think about how I walk but my hands are regaining strength! I cannot wait to see what another few weeks of treatment bring!

Between this good news and my buying Pete's Scrambler I am a very happy camper! Cannot wait to get back to work! :chug:
I'm smiling from ear to ear.:D
I'm smiling from ear to ear.:D
Thanks! Me tooth! :chug:

That means a lot!

something you don't see every day, a dog eating Chiclets.:laugh:

Thanks! Me tooth! :chug:

That means a lot!

Glad to hear you are feeling better, Take care!
Good to hear.
Hey CJ, Get back to your build man!


Hope you're doing well!

~ Jr
I wish I could - my heath speaks other wise. I dont say much..,, I may never finish.
hope you can get back at it CJ I know it helps to do the hobby you love
I'm about to come up there with my trailer and steal it.......
Its gonna be the edition to over hauled

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When I first started here about a year ago I was reading this thread about a guy who everyone talked about. Was always bust wrenching away then found out why he wasn't felling good, only reluctantly sharing what is was. I soo wanted to let him know that we ( I ) wish him the best recovery. Today I realize its CJ. That just floored me because there was no way I remembered his name here and I don't remember where I saw the post cuz I was so new. Now that I know, CJ just hang in there, don't rush and compare yourself with what others are/ can do. Take it one day at a time accept help ( even though its hard) because we want to help you out, and look at it this way, your still here, not bed ridden and you have soo much advise to pass on. That is a privilege in my book.
Hope all goes well.


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