Build Thread Mike's 1986 CJ7 (Mid Year) Rebuild
Full Time Jeeper
Continuing to work on installing the new loom and tweaking connections.

Need to get a new rubber seal for the tailgate, but got it on for now. Adam gave me a couple of near new looking taillight lenses. Got the dash, gauges, glove box (new interior compartment), and grab bar installed.

Although the radiator had been replaced in the last 10 years, it showed signs of leaking and some weld work at the lower hose attachment so decided to replace it. Got the headlights and turn signals installed (Adam gave me a couple of near new turn signal lenses to replace the cracked ones).

New oil filter.

Working on the hoses.

Hood and hood hardware installed.

Shifter boots installed. Seats installed… starting to look like a Jeep!!!

A shot from the rear with the seats.

Drove it over to get the safety inspection… passed!!!

Need to get a new rubber seal for the tailgate, but got it on for now. Adam gave me a couple of near new looking taillight lenses. Got the dash, gauges, glove box (new interior compartment), and grab bar installed.

Although the radiator had been replaced in the last 10 years, it showed signs of leaking and some weld work at the lower hose attachment so decided to replace it. Got the headlights and turn signals installed (Adam gave me a couple of near new turn signal lenses to replace the cracked ones).

New oil filter.

Working on the hoses.

Hood and hood hardware installed.

Shifter boots installed. Seats installed… starting to look like a Jeep!!!

A shot from the rear with the seats.

Drove it over to get the safety inspection… passed!!!

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