I had mentioned earlier that I liked not having a rear view mirror due to the nice open view....... but my new windshield came with the mounting puck already in place - easily removed but it also has a black backing in the lamination, and that is impossible to remove. Figured I'd stick the mirror in place to cover up the puck. Grabbed the mirror, stuck it in place, and realized the mount is a little too large for the puck, and plastic to boot.
. Ok - tried the other mirror...... fit perfectly, and rather than a plastic mount, this one is actually metal.
May be factory, but I don't remember what they looked like. The mirror that did fit had a very nice mirror, and the other had a crappy mirror that was missing some of the silver backing.
Now - I need to put the good mount with the good mirror head. Easier said than done. Ever taken a rear view mirror apart? Me either. But I mean, what could happen? My first thought was to cut the piece between the mount and mirror in half on both, scuff the outer surface, and epoxy a sleeve around the outside as a "splice".
Started on the end, found it to be thin wall aluminum, so cutting was easy. Then it was not so easy..... oh, nice - a big 'old spring is in there to keep tension on the ends....
No I'd be able to epoxy the two halve together and compress that spring at the same time....... THAT throws a wrench into the works.
Now for plan B...... rather, think up a plan B.
Impossible to open the spring housing to swap ends, no way to remove and replace the pivot ball from the mirror head....... fine, then - I'll screw em together. I cut the bad mirror off the good "stem", cut the steam off the good mirror head, filed both ends flat, and found that both had holes down the center. Enlarged those holes to accept an 8-32 tap, threaded the holes, cut the head off of a stainless 8-32 screw, applied copious amounts of lock tite, screwed the two halves together, and mounted it in the Jeep. Maybe tomorrow I'll take it back down and paint it. Or maybe not.......
I think I actually like it better with it.
Test fitting for length....
I don't have a pic of it mounted to the windshield - I got darked on..... actually, I got darked on all over... but you get the idea of the 2 hour project that supposed to take 15 minutes....
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