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What did you do to or with your CJ today?

What did you do to or with your CJ today?
Finally replaced my manual brakes with the power brake booster from my parts Jeep. My manual brakes worked perfect, but I figured I might as well switch to power, because why not?... Every thing swapped over perfect but now my brake pedal sets about 2" lower then before, and it only has about half the "throw" that my manual had. I guess this is normal?

Can you adjust the height of the pedal by adjusting the piece that connects the rod to the actual pedal? I can't remember how it is in the CJ, but I just replaced the mc and booster in my 67 Impala and there is a was to move the bracket on the end of the rod at the pedal.
Began a new LED dash display for fuel gage - just a vertical bar representing tank fill level. Can't believe how much I forgot since the first one I build!
Sounds interesting!
Began a new LED dash display for fuel gage - just a vertical bar representing tank fill level. Can't believe how much I forgot since the first one I build!

I want to see this...!!!
Busy day on the old Witch. There has been an oil leak that recently got worse. Found the oil sending unit wet with oil, replaced the unit and tightened up a few fittings. So far no more leaking. Then moved on to change the oil and filter. :) Yes Lumpy I used a Wix filter and Brad Penn (now renamed to PennGrade) motor oil. This stuff has "High levels of Zinc and Phosphorous", I.E. its good for old AMC engines. Then cleaned my K&N air filter, :) yes Lumpy I know you don't like K&N filters, we agree to disagree on this one. With everything buttoned up I stopped by a garage for final tuning for the yearly emissions test. Then proceeded to pass Arizona State emissions. Thank god that's out of the way for another year.

Tomorrow the dimmer switch will be replaced. She's bad and will be going away.

One more non CJ related piece of news. Tonight I shook hands on a 1951 Willys Wagon. I am super pleased. This thing is unmolested and rust free. The seats and floor are unbelievably nice. The front drivers side floorboard will need to be replaced. Other than that I can't find any rust. The paint is in bad shape, the tires are unusable, it doesn't run, all but one of the windows are good, the ignition switch is sitting on the floor, no brakes at all and the title isn't as tidy as it could be. It has a signed & notarized but untransfered title, the original owner is still available and I'll be contacting him. Supposedly the Engine ran very well when it was parked, but the gas is bad and the carb needs cleaning out. Am I a little nervous about it running and the title, yes I am. We agreed on $2500. With round tires and a running engine I could make money on this one.
It was time to replace the hard plastic seats the Jeep came with
Pulled a set of 2001 PT Cruiser seats from the boneyard for $40 a set.
After removing all the unwanted brackets, electric motor, and a little frame modification the seats fit perfect.
An added bonus, the passenger seat back pad folds down flat on the bottom pad for easy access to the rear.

Driver seat installed. Comfy

I can’t believe you didn’t like those old seals.
Lol, not that a 71 is known for it's smooth ride, those seats were kicking my butt after a day of wheeling. I know I don't have to tell you that, you sat in those very seats I removed. They may look cool, but it ends there.
Ya could have just gone on an ice cream diet to add some more cushion.....

Sent from my gas grille using Tapatalk
Ya could have just gone on an ice cream diet to add some more cushion.....

Sent from my gas grille using Tapatalk
Just kidding, of course. Those new seats look a lot more comfortable and visibility is going to improve also. Are you changing out the seat belts too?
Knew you were kidding we've talked before on how much I liked them :)
I'm keeping the driver's belt I like the latch and link buckle.
Took it for a nice ride today and went and ate lunch on the way home. Decided it's time for some new tires since 2 have very little tread left. Think I will get the wheels sand blasted and painted this time, they are looking faded but in great shape
Started a 5 minute job .... an hour later it was done. A simple dimmer switch install. Had to change or actually install a new plug and switch. Not having enough arm to reach under the body to remove the nut while holding a wrench on the bolt inside the body required a vice grip inside set at a surprisingly awkward angle. It is nice to have BOTH high and low beam headlights. You should have seen the poor girl at the parts counter, she had absolutely no idea what I was talking about. Hmmmm! A part that was so very common in my youth is unheard of today.

While driving around looking for a cheap set of tires the CJ got several thumbs ups. Its nice to make folks happy. :)
The look on their faces makes it all worth it!!

Sent from my gas grille using Tapatalk
It always seems odd to me. Growing up CJ's, even military jeeps were everywhere. When someone smiles and gives us a thumbs up I realize CJ's aren't everywhere anymore and folks actually know the difference between real jeeps and the foreign designed junk we see everywhere these days.
Yep. I was pumping gas and a guy (and his annoyed wife) drove up to chat about CJs.

Then I passed a beautiful 66 GTO and he gave ME a thumbs up. It is nice that these old beasts are appreciated.
I removed my trailer hitch and installed some HF D-ring tow points on my rear crossmember. The d-rings are secured to the inner frame using two pieces of 1/4” angle iron and grade 8 bolts. I plan on building or buying a rear bumper one day but this will do for now.



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