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What did you do to or with your CJ today?

What did you do to or with your CJ today?
Today I gave her a good driving. Went all over heck and back running some errends... there was the watch repair shop but the guy had to make an emergency trip back to Russia so couldn't get anything done, it was just a nice drive, then to the uniform store for some winter stuff- waterproof over-pants, a parka type jacket, new walking shoes (I'm a mailman), and some simple thin gloves (for now). Then it was back the other way to a bank. Many branches have been closing so it was a good drive to get to one. All streets, no freeways, lots of idiot drivers and really bad roads (typical for Michigan), then the drive home. About a good 4+ hours of driving. It actually got hot and had to roll down both the door windows, it was great!
Today was a sad day........ I went ahead and put the hard top back on...... but - for good reason. I still need to finish the final fitting of the hard uppers, and the hard top has to be in place. At least the seals weren’t hard as rocks so everything settled down nicely [emoji106]

Looks like a totally different Jeep... still need to re-tint the rear windows...... scraped it all off as it was pretty dinged up.


Sent from the mosquito feeding area - my back yard.
Man what are you going to do on the nice warm sunny days when you want to enjoy the jeep with out the top on ? :(
I got a not so nice surprise this morning when it was in the 40s and misting..... I didn’t know we were going to get a huge storm last night so I had to figure out how to install the soft top at 5 am and wore my rain suit to work with my nice cold wet seat..... guess I will leave the top and doors on all winter


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Sent from the mosquito feeding area - my back yard.

Your CJ looks great!
Whenever I see a pic of your CJ with the hardtop on I so badly want to paint your doors red and leave just the recess black. :D
I know, I have a problem. :)
Sad day for me too. I also had to put my top back on. The weather hasn't completely changed for the worse yet, but I learned my lesson last time I put my softtop on in winter. I broke the seams of the top and nearly my knuckles trying to get it on.


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Unless you have a heated garage or a small garage that warms up from a hot engine when you come home, not easy putting the top on in the winter.
Man what are you going to do on the nice warm sunny days when you want to enjoy the jeep with out the top on ? :(

I figure most of those days I'll be sitting at work. Many of the Saturdays will be occupied with side jobs, so I played the numbers and figured it was time. Besides - still have a little tweaking left on the hard uppers.....

Unless you have a heated garage or a small garage that warms up from a hot engine when you come home, not easy putting the top on in the winter.

Heck - I have trouble on cool evenings. Summer nights are no problem, but a cool fall night and it's a battle. And that's with a 25 year old top. You'd think it would be able to install itself by now...

Your CJ looks great!
Whenever I see a pic of your CJ with the hardtop on I so badly want to paint your doors red and leave just the recess black. :D
I know, I have a problem. :)

I know - I figured it would just resemble soft doors.... and I didn't have to drag out all the spray stuff, wet sand, etc. just rolled on the Rustoleum LOL. Besides, it's unique -

Sent from a nice, cool, cloudy day.....
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I think your doors look good black. When I got my 1/2 hard doors painted I went with the original Jeep 4K silver. I knew after 35 years my silver had faded some, but more than I realized. At the time I thought about going black and kinda wished I had since my soft uppers are black. Hardly ever have my top on or uppers on anyway so no biggy. The dry spell here is over. Winter arrived last night for a couple of days. Not cold enough for a top though
Was taking it to a friend’s wedding for it to be in their pictures. The tow pig had other thoughts and decided to break a driveshaft


I have a bunch of pictures of mine being used as a prop in our wedding pictures. The most people ever in my jeep. My best man and I drove to the wedding in it.
Was taking it to a friend’s wedding for it to be in their pictures. The tow pig had other thoughts and decided to break a driveshaft



Your just not having much luck lately. Here's to better days ahead🍺
Thanks. I was able to drive it home with just the front driveshaft. I get to see if I can fix the rear tomorrow.

Anyone want to buy a truck?

Glad it didn't come up through the floor. Actually had this happen in my Cj the other day. I think I lost a u joint strap bolt then the other sheared off flush. Luckily I was just pulling out from a stop sign but it definitely got my attention hitting the floor pan. If I'd have been driving at speed it would have been catastrophic. Can't really complain though , this Cj has been pretty good to me. When I finally get the '79 up and running I'll give the '80 the attention she truly deserves.
I continue to fight the Jeep Mouse War. The body count is now me 3-mouse 0. The little rats are crapping all over the interior and I have taken anything that could possibly be food out of the CJ7 . I feel confident that I will eventually win this struggle even if it means setting up an LP/OP and shooting the invaders.

It has been an exceptionally bad year for mice this year and the CJ is parked outside because my wife gets the garage.

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I continue to fight the Jeep Mouse War. The body count is now me 3-mouse 0. The little rats are crapping all over the interior and I have taken anything that could possibly be food out of the CJ7 . I feel confident that I will eventually win this struggle even if it means setting up an LP/OP and shooting the invaders.

It has been an exceptionally bad year for mice this year and the CJ is parked outside because my wife gets the garage.

Sent from my SM-A405FN using Tapatalk

Have you tried moth balls or dryer sheets as a deterrent?
Have you tried moth balls or dryer sheets as a deterrent?

I have some moth balls in the cargo area. They seem to find them tasty. I have not heard of the dryer sheet trick, I may have to try that.

I am Limited as to what I can do right now with my arm in a sling from shoulder surgery.
How bout a black snake??

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How bout a black snake??

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No snakes in Germany [emoji26][emoji3064]
I would even ignore my usual snake rule if it got rid of the mice.[emoji16]

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