Yes my mechanical fan does great, even without my shroud on it, during idle and in 100 degree heat, I still havent had any problems with over heating. It moves a LOT of air, even at idle, but then again, the pitch is severe during idle because rpms aren't flattening it out like flex fans are designed to do.
Like Tarry's joke suggests... the problem is when I come to a mudd bog pit out at local OHV park, and can not tell myself no (because I am young and dumb!

I have tried the keep a bow wave going tactic, but when the water is door jam high + and the hole is over 50 yards long, it tends to still come onto the engine compartment. Also on some smaller less deep ones it hits the thicker mud.
I simply liked the idea of a electric fan being able to be manually shut off during a crossing, inspected for mud and stuck "stuff" before re-initiating after the crossing, and a not having the fan throw water onto every component under the hood while also not flexing and hitting the radiator... (radiators are kinda expensive...

To achieve the same exact thing with a mechanical fan / flex fan, I'd need 4 shorter bolts to remove fan and extension from front water pump pulley and re tighten pulley for use then on other side have to re install said components. I am lazy! And like the switch off / on better!
Now if I were to ever go with electric fan, my stock fan and extension would be packed away in the camp trail spares section, and if / when my electric fan did fail (which it would be more possible / prone to do than mechanical, as I believe 73Jeep pointed out & why perfectly) I'd be able to do a camp site swap, and get her home.
My main focus was why is my fan hitting the radiator, and what should I do about it when I started this thread, my assumption of how clutch fans worked was off base though, and that was quickly dismissed as an option.
One day I will put the electrics in, just for the ease of shut off during crossings, but will in the mean-time be getting a smaller extension to move the fan further from the radiator.
I have already upgraded my electrical system for the DUI distributor (larger spark) and my Warn winch. I currently have a 55 AMP output alt. instead of the stock 37 AMP. I don't think the drag would effect me too much at this point, and also am not looking for high HP monster.
Now If only I learn to tell myself not to submarine race in the jeep until then, my radiator ought to last me a while yet...

All, very good info / discussion here. We all "good"!
~ JR