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What did you do to or with your CJ today?

What did you do to or with your CJ today?
Installed new dual fan setup, old radiator, and new Transmission cooler..
Replaced the front output yoke seal on my Tcase.
Replaced the pinion yoke seal in my Dana 30 front end.
Put front drive shaft back in.
New brake calipers
Installed skid plate / Transmission mount.

Soon i might get to drive it again.....
Power washed the engine, exterior and interior as it was covered in mud after fishing and trail run last weekend.

Shortened my front inner wheel well mounting brackets as they were sticking out slghtly beyond the tube fender and would rub.

Topped off the gear oil in the transfer as I ran out when I was putting back together a few months ago and was a little short of full.

Tightened from hub bolts and checked everything for looseness so I can take it again this coming (long:cool:) weekend!
Well. . .

Stuck in the mud

Then pop over a log

4th photo shows the pop

Break the u-joint


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newthrottle cable
bled brakes
RE-installed skid plate tranny mount for the 4th time in 2 days
for the first time in 3 months, there are no jacks or jackstands under her!

all thats left is to get exhaust/head studs and mount the manifolds and put exhaust on her.

Jeep is almost road worthy and garage is becoming less of a parts storage
I pulled the distributor vacuum line off the metered port of the MC2100 and plugged into straight manifold vacuum. I blocked off the MC2100 metered port.

I got immediate quicker start, slightly smoother idle, and noticeably better acceleration in low RPM from a standing start. Haven't tried any high RPM stuff; may never. I've already been fast... don't need it!
Gotto tell us the story behind this one. :eek:

Thanks for asking Old dog, I would have responded this am but the wifey is punishing me and made me hang lights all day and not touch Jeep :)

Well, I have made this obstacle a couple other times, and as you can see its about 4 feet up each side and narrows out as you enter, but you can't put tires on both sides and drive straight out the top narrow area as there are catcus and saguaros in front. You have to place tire and cut left just before it gets too narrow, and pop over. This obstacle can be body damage down the driver side. When you pop up the top there is a really slippery flat rock area at an upward angle, and you have to let vehicle slide/tip left so you can grip and have weight kind of pull you over. On the left there is a large rock you almost (and can) slide down into. Instinct says go right so you don't get that tip and slide sideways feeling (and because you don't want body damage).

So that's what I did. I turned back right and then let off and rolled back, but adjusted left and ended up sideways in the channel on with really slippery rock in front. Since I didn't make it I ended up trying to reset and doing those little forward /backward movements as I was in super tight and ended up just backing up the left side (looking at pic) wall and trying to back down enough for my read tire to drop as I was pretty much at the tipping point. I felt like I was going over but knew I was inches from from my rear tire dropping off the wall. Well, I should have stopped then. But was frustrated from all the little pull forward and back up manuevers I had to do.

I did make it on my own and home (about 40 miles) but I now need a new windshiled, frame, mirror. On the plus side I was pretty happy that all the work I have been putting in to build up made my undercarriage look nice :cool:.

Beforehand I thought I was king of the world :D, I made this one just before and it is probably a 5.5 ft wal that you have to do a similar manuever on.

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That looks like fun. I want to try it :cool:
I found that one of my rear shocks had pulled apart. I knew they were old, but dang. Guess I gotta be more careful off-road.


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Today I played make up.. I broke my windshield yesterday trying to straighten out the windshield frame from a tilt over in my back yard last rainy season. Was a blast doing weed abatement with a cj till i hooked up and put it on its side.grrr So I had to buy some fenders and window frame had em painted but finally today i had to get glass and new rubber and install the window frame cause monday im sposed to have a new super top and i wanna be ready for it.Just kinda worried what kinda shape its gonna be in. Other than that i drank beers..
I walked around it, looked at it, poked it, said "yep" and I walked back inside to make a Christmas list.
Made some new s/s shackles and put them on to day. Need some info. what is the torque spec.on the 4 u bolts on the front spring plate, can't seem to fine any where.
Today I played make up.. I broke my windshield yesterday trying to straighten out the windshield frame from a tilt over in my back yard last rainy season. Was a blast doing weed abatement with a cj till i hooked up and put it on its side.grrr So I had to buy some fenders and window frame had em painted but finally today i had to get glass and new rubber and install the window frame cause monday im sposed to have a new super top and i wanna be ready for it.Just kinda worried what kinda shape its gonna be in. Other than that i drank beers..
As I read this....I pictured a crazy dude spinning donuts in his backyard in the rain, with the top off...:D

That's EXACTLY how I would have done it! :D
It did feel a bit Woodstockish.. but dam it was a blast.
i walked into the garage to see that the leaky Transmission i had fixed a week ago has decided to leak some more:mad:

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