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What did you do to or with your CJ today?

I like to go slow when I'm offroading. This old fat body doesn't bounce like it used to.

Ya I’m kinda thinking I should have gone with at least 4.10s

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Ya I’m kinda thinking I should have gone with at least 4.10s

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

It must be nice to still be somewhat young and still be able to bounce some.
Replaced motor mount bushings and Transmission mount bushing today.
Went with poly, don't want to do that job again.
Went pretty well until I dropped a 1/2" drive ratchet on my nose, I saw it coming but there wasn't enough room under there to get out of the way. Bled like a stuck hog lol. Only busted one knuckle so that was good.
The skid plate was the usual PITA to get all lined up but it's all good now.
The passenger side motor mount was shot, the rubber was literally falling apart, was so bad that it [rubber] was hiding one of the bolts and I had to chisel it out, to be able to get a wrench on it.
Tranny mount was really bad as well, it was loose as a goose, no wonder the old Jeep shuddered like crazy when taking off. I also blame the motor mounts and tranny mount for my recent incident when the clutch linkage came apart.
Took it for a little test ride, shifts were crisper, no shuddering when taking off from a stop and didn't notice the ride being any harsher with the poly vs rubber.
I think [hope] I can put my wrenches up for a day or two and just enjoy the ride.
Started replacing the ring and pinion that I chewed up in N. Carolina when I was there. Made some set up bearings out of the old ones and trying to get it as close to right as I can this time. How does it look. Do you think I need to set the pinion a little deeper, Or is it close enough. Remember, This is a revers rotation front Dana 30 . Pic is a little blurry but can't seem to help it. I took a few pictures and even braced my arms on the frame but they just don't seem to come out clear.


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Been waiting on this for a while also!!


Sent from deep within a bad case of mugginess...
Finally found the time to mount my front bumper.




Ready to roll tomorrow morning


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Did ya get any bugs in your teeth?

Tried not to talk - but I was grinnin!!

Sent from deep within a bad case of mugginess...
I was grinnin!!

Sent from deep within a bad case of mugginess...
I bet you were!!
On another note, i've still got my top on. Weatherman has been calling for rain everyday. My Jeep lives outside so I don't want to risk getting the inside of it wet.
I don't know if my jeep is a little bigger than normal or my Bestop is a little small but it is a royal pain putting it back on. Personally I liked the old style top better [the one with the snaps] I could put the top down and back up on my old jeep in a matter of minutes.
Yeah, the channel style won’t stay put when folded down like the snap style..... but I got rid of my snaps cause they were rust factories.

And I hear ya on the rain - I’ve never let mine sit in the rain topless.

Sent from deep within a bad case of mugginess...
I don't know if my jeep is a little bigger than normal or my Bestop is a little small but it is a royal pain putting it back on.

Just had a thought - it’s been a while since I had to do this as my top is really old and has lost it’s will to fight. If your top is new-ish, put it back on in direct sun. It will allow the vinyl to stretch a bit. Usually after a summer they’re a little easier to put back on.

Sent from the nicest morning we’ve had in a while........ at least for the next couple hours
Started the rats nest wiring...had a bud point me in the right direction...now just fuguring out how it all clips together....fun times..
Created a support for my bikini top. And while doing it, i knocked the rearview mirror off. Ugh


And if course it cracked the glass. Off to get a new one.
Well, that sucks. I used the one in the ginormous box of stuff that came with mine. Have no idea where it came from. Let me know where you get the new one from.

Now I almost feel bad showing what I did today after that.......

Almost back to the house......


Sent from the back of the Jeep
Created a support for my bikini top. I've had a broom stick for 35 years that is whittled down on each end that goes between windshield and rollbar. Don't need anything going to the sides. Works great and keeps the rain water from ponding and sagging in the middle.

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