What did you do to or with your CJ today?
Full Time Jeeper
A few weeks ago while wheeling in Moab, we were approaching a rock ledge and were setting up to crawl down. As I a got a few yards from the ledge, I stepped on the brakes to stop and shift down to low gear. Pedal went all the way to the floor!
No brakes at all! Went down the ledge in second gear a lot faster than I would have liked. This happened about a dozen more times throughout the week. Suddenly no brakes at all, even while pumping the pedal, but as soon as I would go over the obstacle, the pedal would return to normal without any pumping at all
No leaks, no loss of fluid, MC completely full. All we could come up with was a bad MC. OJL suggested that the MC was getting too hot. So, today the CJ got a new MC, and some insulation on some brake lines that are fairly close to the exhaust manifold.